Chapter 28 Tangent planes and linear approximations


Let \(f(\mathbf{x})\) be a differentiable function at a point \(\mathbf{a}\). Because the function is differentiable at \(\mathbf{a}\), this means that all paths \(P_\mathbf{a}\) that approach the point \(\mathbf{a}\) from all directions all take on values \(f(P_\mathbf{a})\) that are “close” to \(f(\mathbf{a})\). Mathematically, we describe this as smoothness. A more explicit description says that as the paths \(P_{\mathbf{a}}\) get very close to \(\mathbf{a}\), the space over which these paths are defined starts to look more and more like a flat surface–the tangent plane.

Example 28.1 For this example, we plot the function \(f(x, y) = x^2 + y^2\) which has gradient \(\nabla f(x, y) = \begin{pmatrix} 2x \\ 2y\end{pmatrix}\)

# f(x, y)
target_fun <- function(x, y) {
    return(x^2 + y^2)
# gradient f(x, y)
grad_fun <- function(x, y) {
    c(2 * x, 2 * y) # notice that the return value is a vector
# plot 
plot_tangent_plane(target_fun = target_fun, grad_fun = grad_fun, a=-1, b = 1)
# zoomed in plot
plot_tangent_plane(target_fun = target_fun, grad_fun = grad_fun, a=-1, b = 1, xlim = c(-1.5, 0.5), ylim = c(0.5, 1.5))
# super zoomed in plot
plot_tangent_plane(target_fun = target_fun, grad_fun = grad_fun, a=-1, b = 1, xlim = c(-1.1, -0.9), ylim = c(0.9, 1.1))

A consequence of this result that when you zoom in on a differentiable function the function looks like a flat plane is that the function \(f(x, y)\) can be approximated locally as a linear function (local approximation just means that if you are really “close” to the point \((a, b)\) that the function will behave like a tangent plane if the function is differentiable). Intuitively, this makes sense as if the derivative exists, the directional derivatives are just vectors and a linear combination of vectors (in \(\mathcal{R}^2\)) produces a tangent plane (in higher dimensions, this is called a hyperplane). This means that if the function \(f(x, y)\) is differentiable at the point \((a, b)\), then \(f(x, y)\) for points \((x, y)\) close to \((a, b)\) is approximated by the linear tangent plane.

Notice in the code above that there are two functions needed to calculate the tangent plane: the function \(f(x, y)\) and the gradient \(\nabla f(x, y)\). This can be seen in the definition of the tangent plane.

Definition 28.1 (Tangent plane) Let \(f(x, y)\) be a differentiable function at the point \((a, b)\). Then the tangent plane to the surface defined by the function \(f(x, y)\) at the point \((a, b)\) is given by the equation \[ \begin{aligned} z & = f(a, b) + f_x(a, b) (x - a) + f_y(a, b) (y - b) \\ & = f(a, b) + \nabla f(x, y) |_{(a, b)} \cdot \begin{pmatrix} x - a \\ y - b \end{pmatrix} \\ & = f(a, b) + (\nabla f(x, y) |_{ (a, b)})' \begin{pmatrix} x - a \\ y - b \end{pmatrix} \\, \end{aligned} \] where the tangent plane is defined as the dot product of the graidient vector \(\nabla f(x, y) |_{(a, b)}\) evaluated at the point \((a, b)\) and the vector \(\begin{pmatrix} x - a \\ y - b \end{pmatrix}\) that is the coordinate-wise distance of the point \((x, y)\) from the point \((a, b)\).

Example 28.2 Find the equation for the tangent plane for the function \(f(x, y) = x^2 \cos(y) - y^2 \cos(x)\) at the point \((\frac{\pi}{2}, \frac{pi}{4})\)

  • calculate by hand
  • plot using plot_tangent_plane()

This leads to the linearization equation for functions of \(n\) variables.

Definition 28.2 (Linearization of a function) Let \(f(\mathbf{x})\) be a differentiable function at the point \(\mathbf{a} = (a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n)'\) for a function of inputs \(\mathbf{x} = (x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n)' \in \mathcal{R}^n\). Then the linearization of the function \(f(\mathbf{x})\) at the point \(\mathbf{a}\) is given by the equation \[ \begin{aligned} L(\mathbf{x}) & = f(\mathbf{a}) + \nabla f(\mathbf{x}) |_{\mathbf{a}} \cdot (\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{a}) \\ & = f(\mathbf{a}) + \left( \nabla f(\mathbf{x}) |_{\mathbf{a}} \right)' (\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{a}) \end{aligned} \]

The quality of the linearization is high for points “close” to \(\mathbf{a}\) and has higher error (defined as \(\|L(\mathbf{x}) - f(\mathbf{x})\|\)) as \(\mathbf{x}\) gets further from \(\mathbf{a}\).

For points \(\mathbf{x}\) “close” to the point \(\mathbf{a}\), the exact difference in the function \(z = f(\mathbf{x})\) is given by \(\Delta z = f(\mathbf{x}) - f(\mathbf{a})\). Plugging in the linear approximation, the differential \(d z = L(\mathbf{x}) - f(\mathbf{a})\) is the linear approximation to the exact different \(\Delta z\). Define \(d \mathbf{x} = \begin{pmatrix} d x_1 \\ d x_2 \\ \vdots \\ d x_n \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} x_1 - a_1 \\ x_2 - a_2 \\ \vdots \\ x_n - a_n \end{pmatrix}\) as the set of changes in each of the \(n\) coordinates with respect to the standard basis \(\{\mathbf{e}_1, \mathbf{e}_2, \ldots, \mathbf{e}_n\}\) so that the linear change \(d z\) of \(f(\mathbf{x})\) at \(\mathbf{a}\) is given by

\[ \begin{aligned} d z & = \nabla f(\mathbf{x}) |_{\mathbf{a}} \cdot (\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{a}) \\ & = \nabla f(\mathbf{x}) |_{\mathbf{a}} \cdot d \mathbf{x} \\ & = \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{\partial f(\mathbf{x})}{\partial x_i} d x_i, \end{aligned} \] where the last term is a sum of the linear approximation in each of the \(i = 1, \ldots, n\) coordinate directions.

Example 28.3 Approximate the linear change of the function \(f(x, y, z) = x^2 - 3xy^2z^2 - 4z^2\) at the point \((a, b, c) = (1, -2, -1)\) evaluated at the point \((x, y, z) = (0.95, -2.05, -1.05)\). Compare this to the exact value of the function \(f(x, y, z)\)

First, we find the gradient

\[ \begin{aligned} \nabla f(x, y, z) = \begin{pmatrix} 2x - 3y^2z^2 \\ -6xyz^2 \\ -6xy^2z - 8z \end{pmatrix} \end{aligned} \]

and evaluate the gradient at \((a, b, c) = (1, -2, -1)\) to get

\[ \begin{aligned} \nabla f(1, -2, -1) = \begin{pmatrix} 2(1) - 3(-2)^2(-1)^2 \\ -6(1)(-2)(-1)^2 \\ -6(1)(-2)^2(-1) - 8(-1) \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} -10 \\ 12 \\ 32 \end{pmatrix} \end{aligned} \]

The function evaluated at the point \((a, b, c)\) is \(f(1, -2, -1) = (1)^2 - 3(1)(-2)^2(-1)^2 - 4(-1)^2 = -15\).

Therefore, the linear approximation \(L(x, y, z)\) of \(f(x, y, z)\) at the point \((a, b, c)\) is

\[ \begin{aligned} L(x, y, z) & = f(a, b, c) + \nabla f(a, b, c) \cdot \begin{pmatrix} x - 1 \\ y - (-2) \\ z - (-1) \end{pmatrix} \\ & = -15 + 10(x - 1) - 12 (y + 2) - 32 (z + 1) \end{aligned} \]

The linear approximation evaluated at the point \((0.95, -2.05, -1.05)\) is \[ \begin{aligned} L(0.95, -2.05, -1.05) & = -15 + 10(0.95 - 1) - 12 (-2.05 + 2) - 32 (-1.05 + 1) = -16.7. \end{aligned} \]

Compared to the true value of the function \(f(x, y, z)\) is

\[ \begin{aligned} f(0.95, -2.05, -1.05) & = (1.05)^2 - 3(1.05)(-2.05)^2(-1.05)^2 - 4(-1.05)^2 = -16.71228, \end{aligned} \] which gives an approximation error of \(f(x, y, z) - L(x, y, z) = -16.7122803 - -16.7 = -0.0122803\)

target_fun <- function(x, y, z) {
        x^2 - 3 * x * y^2 * z^2 - 4 * z^2
grad_fun <- function(x, y, z) {
        c(2*x - 3 * y^2 * z^2,
          -6 * x * y * z^2,
          -6 * x * y^2 * z - 8 * z)

grad_fun(1, -2, -1)
## [1] -10  12  32
target_fun(0.95, -2.05, -1.05)
## [1] -16.71228
linearization <- function(target_fun, grad_fun, x, y, z, a, b, c) {
        target_fun(a, b, c) + sum(grad_fun(a, b, c) * c(x - a, y - b, z - c))

linearization(target_fun, grad_fun, 0.95, -2.05, -1.05, 1, -2, -1)
## [1] -16.7
target_fun(0.95, -2.05, -1.05)
## [1] -16.71228
# approximation error
target_fun(0.95, -2.05, -1.05) - linearization(target_fun, grad_fun, 0.95, -2.05, -1.05, 1, -2, -1)
## [1] -0.01228031